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Nigel Hicks Photo

I grew up on the outskirts of Melbourne and on leaving school I completed an apprenticeship in farming. Over the years I have operated farms on a range of different levels as well as doing a variety of different off farm jobs.

I have been married for 35 years. Lifes journey has seen some hurdles in the way that I would much rather have avoided but looking back I firmly believe that it has given me the insight to be able to truly represent the people of Nicholls.

My journey into politics came about after the farmer meeting at Tongala approximately 6 years ago. This meeting opened my eyes to the plight of not only farmers but businesss in the area who have been impacted negatively by the down turn in agriculture. In turn this has greatly impacted employment with our electrocate with it now being one of the highest for youth unemployment areas in the country.

Over the following years I have been in contact with various levels of government in an effort to improve the outcome for farmers and businesses and the communities that surround them. However it has become very obvious that none of the current political interests are listening or willing to act in the best interests of those affected and will always remember the words of Damian Drum MP who at the last Federal Election stated "I will not cross the floor for the benefit of this electorate" and ... we will fully implement the MDBP". For this reason I have decided to stand as an Independent Candidate in the upcoming State Election to give Nicholls a strong voice for our future without the restraints of political party interests.

LET'S get back to basics and rebuild this great region together.